Being part of the fellowship means sharing with others in the fellowship towards the continued work of the fellowship. We encourage all of our church family to give regularly, generously and electronically. We do have a Collection Box available on Sundays but it’s much more efficient to give using a Standing Order or by monthly bank transfers.

We would love for you to prayerfully consider partnering with us too (Philippians 4:15) or giving a one-off donation to support our gospel work (2 Corinthians 9:7).  We are a small, but growing church.  And because we are also new, we are still finding our feet financially.

We are fortunate enough to have a full-time minister as we believe this is essential for foundation laying and continued growth. Outreach is very much part of what we do, and this is maximised best through full-time ministerial work. Employment costs form the bulk of our budget (see below).

Our minister was able to partly fund his training, partly fund his curacy (along with the generous partnering of trusts and gospel partners), and fully fund his move and house purchase too.  We would therefore love to be able to continue to fund his position here, but at the moment we rely heavily on the generous giving of trusts (many of whom have so graciously supported him in the past) and faithful giving from the congregation, along with fantastic gospel partners. We pray that God would bless us with good growth to enable us to become more self-sufficient, but until then, any gift will be received with great joy and thanks to God. Please see the details below if this is something you would like to do.  If you have any questions or need further help, please email our Treasurer at


Gift Aid Form

When completed please send this form to

Standing Order Form

When completed please send this form to your bank

Café Morning
Easter Day Cafe Church Service

It’s not too late to be part of this year’s Kent Women’s Convention.  Please speak to Marcia or email if you are interested.