Fellowship – We meet every Sunday, as commanded in the bible (Hebrews 10:19-25), to praise and worship God, encourage each other, and learn how to live out our faith together. The service will last about an hour or so.
We do this so that we can reach others who do not know Jesus yet, so they can be part of his family too, and have their lives transformed by his grace. Everyone is warmly welcome.
Every service is family friendly, as we believe the church is an extension of our own families and therefore must be represented by, and applicable to all generations. All generations play their part in serving the church too. (1 Corinthians 12).
Fellowship groups – We also meet in small groups during the week to learn more about the Sunday’s talk and to pray through what it means for us. All are welcome to these groups.
Fellowship lunch – Once every month, we celebrate communion together during the service and then enjoy a lunch afterwards, as families would do. Everyone is warmly welcome.
Fellowship walk – Also once a month, we enjoy a walk together somewhere around the region to build closer relationships and invite others along. Everyone is warmly welcome.
Fellowship outreach – From time to time we will hold invitational services which are very informal and a great way to learn more about the faith. These are throughout the year and sometimes will take the form of Café Church. Sometimes these may be events held on days other than Sundays. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Café Morning

Easter Day Cafe Church Service
It’s not too late to be part of this year’s Kent Women’s Convention. Please speak to Marcia or email info.redeemer.ramsgate@gmail.com if you are interested.

Rev. Peter Harvey
Our minister was born in Yemen to missionary parents before coming to this country in the ’80s. By God’s grace, he has always known the Lord as long as he can remember, but it wasn’t until after university that he realised, after witnessing mature Christians, that he wasn’t giving his whole life to Christ. Peter had always wanted to go into ministry – in whatever shape that looked like, but it wasn’t until his late 30s that the opportunity presented itself. Peter trained at Oak Hill Theological College London before serving his curacy in Leyland. Prior to ministry, Peter was a degree qualified engineer working in pharmaceuticals, aerospace and large-scale construction. Peter is married to Zoe and they have 2 young girls. He is a passionate follower of Newcastle United and the Miami Dolphins.
Peter has agreed to lead our new church because, he, like us, will always put biblical authority over denominational allegiance.