A great passage to remind us of the Lords great care for us in the run up to Easter.
We come to the end of the Ezra / Nehemiah series. Chapter 13 is a great way to finish as it reminds us that we will always depend on the…
The second to last of the Ezra / Nehemiah series. Looking at chapters 11 and 12 and reading from 11:1-4, 20 and 12:27-43. Lots has changed in the lives of…
We are looking at the central passage of the whole Ezra / Nehemiah account. This is when it all starts to make sense for the people and prompts the correct…
This week we are going through chapters 7 and 8 of Nehemiah. This serves as a great reminder to us that as we get lost in the business of life,…
This Sunday we are going through Nehemiah ch6. Yet more difficulties for Nehemiah to deal with, but he remains focused and obedient, despite all that's happening around him. How can…
We are going through chapter 5 of Nehemiah this Sunday. It's a stark reminder that, left to our own devices, we will always cause trouble for ourselves. Thank goodness God has…
Our passage, Nehemiah ch4, reminds us that opposition is very much a permanent reality, so we should appreciate what we have right now but never take it for granted or…