We will be looking at Nehemiah chapter 3. On first reading, it might seem a bit repetitive and mundane. But God's word always has something to say to us, and…
We continue in Nehemiah this Sunday, chapter 2, verses 11-20. What we see is that God is gracious and provides a way for the people to continue to return to…
We are starting in Nehemiah this Sunday, which is essentially a continuation from the book of Ezra we went through last year. Again, so relevant as we try to understand…
We are looking at Psalm 61 on Sunday, a great motivation for us as a church and as a group of Christ followers.
What does Herod teach us in the account of Jesus' birth? It might seem like a strange question, but we actually learn more than we probably would care to through…
It’s the second Sunday of advent and the second in our Christmas series. This week we are looking at the first Christmas through the eyes of Joseph. There’s much to…
We start our Christmas series this Sunday, ‘One account, four perspectives’. The first is Mary. What can we learn from God as he used the ordinary, country girl Mary in…
Our last week in James (chapter 5, verses 13-20) this Sunday looks at the importance of prayer in our Christian walk. It’s a wonderful reminder of both the power of…